Gunny & Glock - Wrong Diner
Somebody picked the Wrong Diner! See what happens when the dumbest dirt bag tries to rob the wrong diner!
Gunny's Rules
Put down your sissy drink with its umbrella, get off your backside, and square yourself away. Get fit, get a job, and get yourself some self-respect. America's favorite, most in-your-face Sarge is going to show you how to get squared away like a Marine.
Join the NRA TODAY!
The NRA is you -- its members ... millions of Americans representing a diverse contrast of age, sex, race and religion. You're patriots one and all. You believe in the Constitution, staunch in the defense of your rights, and you actively pursue some of this country's finest traditions - Hunting and Sports Shooting.
Since its incorporation in 1871, the NRA has grown as a service organization involved in all aspects of the shooting sports and a proud defender of the Bill of Rights.